Monday, February 9, 2015

A Week in the Life (v.2015.3)

She decided that she needed to wear her princess crown to the store.

Rough day

Mimi and Auntie Anita send lots of music cards.  We saved them all and they all love going through them and playing with them.

Sweet sweet Munk

We have a very tolerant cat.

Apparently, Finn thought Lucy was a princess that day

Sitting at the table and catching up on the news

Fish is getting big enough to sit at our toddler table!

Birthday morning was filled with music -- LOUD music

Birthday afternoon was filled with bedhead

Lots of bedhead

Birthday cake!

Sharing his cake with his sister and the dog

This was about as messy as he got

First time in driving in the grocery store. Big hit!


Just a little glimpse into our everyday

The three cats snuggling together

Getting prepped for our Frozen birthday party

We now have to move the chairs away from the table, because more often than not, he will climb up onto the table.  I even caught him standing on the table reaching for the light switch one night while I was cooking dinner!

We had some wonderful icicles on our house for our Frozen party.

Finn had a great time at her and Fish's birthday party.  Here she is explaining how she gave directions to her bedroom to one of her friends.

VERY tolerant cat.

So this happened yesterday -- Iowa won!

And then this happened -- our Iowa victory dance!

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